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リモートワークの徹底と人材のグローバル化 ~多様性実現へ向けた、ある会社の挑戦~(代表取締役インタビュー)
東京都主催Tokyo Future Work Awardにおいて「優秀賞」を受賞しました!
e-Jan! の社内制度紹介シリーズ 第二弾「短時間勤務」
e-Jan! の社内制度紹介シリーズ 第一弾「フレックスタイム制」
Self-expression at e-Jan Networks
In my opinion, having opportunities to express yourself at your company is really important especially when it comes to international companies. At e-Jan Networks, we have some interesting ways to express ourselves. So, I would like to introduce some of those self-expressing opportunities at e-Jan Networks.
3 Minute Speech
At a company-wide meeting every Monday at e-Jan, two employees make a speech of 3 minutes each. The topic and the way of presenting it is up to the speaker. Some examples are hobbies, introduction of home country, daily life, announcements about something, simply anything they choose. The speaker is selected randomly by a draw so that every employee gets an equal chance to express themselves.
The Snack Corner
At first, this one doesn't sound like a way of self-expression, but in my opinion, sharing something edible with everyone is also a way of expressing yourself. There is a little space in our office called the Snack Corner and it is quite self-explanatory. There are always some snacks and drinks for the employees (bought by e-Jan, provided by other employees, or available for purchase by snack retailers). Of course, it is a wonderful thing to have some snacks while working. But in this post, the part I would like you to focus on is that every employee can put some snacks to the snack corner whenever they want. For example, employees often bring some snack gifts from a trip or from their home country.
Daily Report
Having a system to report daily activities, like the work you have done that day, is widely used at companies. But at e-Jan we have an interesting section on the daily report system. It is "Good News". Just like 3 Minute Speeches, the inside of Good News section can be about anything. It is a great place to ask everyone about their ideas on something, show the pictures of your new pet, or tell everyone about your daily goals/activities. My favorite feature of the daily report system is that every employee can comment on other employees' reports. In short, it works just like an SNS between e-Jan employees.
Those are only some examples of many ways to express yourself at e-Jan. As a foreign employee, those self-expressing opportunities not only keep me in touch with every other employee at the office, but also help me navigate my new daily life in Japan more easily.
Thank you for reading.
3 Minute Speech
At a company-wide meeting every Monday at e-Jan, two employees make a speech of 3 minutes each. The topic and the way of presenting it is up to the speaker. Some examples are hobbies, introduction of home country, daily life, announcements about something, simply anything they choose. The speaker is selected randomly by a draw so that every employee gets an equal chance to express themselves.
The Snack Corner
At first, this one doesn't sound like a way of self-expression, but in my opinion, sharing something edible with everyone is also a way of expressing yourself. There is a little space in our office called the Snack Corner and it is quite self-explanatory. There are always some snacks and drinks for the employees (bought by e-Jan, provided by other employees, or available for purchase by snack retailers). Of course, it is a wonderful thing to have some snacks while working. But in this post, the part I would like you to focus on is that every employee can put some snacks to the snack corner whenever they want. For example, employees often bring some snack gifts from a trip or from their home country.
Daily Report
Having a system to report daily activities, like the work you have done that day, is widely used at companies. But at e-Jan we have an interesting section on the daily report system. It is "Good News". Just like 3 Minute Speeches, the inside of Good News section can be about anything. It is a great place to ask everyone about their ideas on something, show the pictures of your new pet, or tell everyone about your daily goals/activities. My favorite feature of the daily report system is that every employee can comment on other employees' reports. In short, it works just like an SNS between e-Jan employees.
Those are only some examples of many ways to express yourself at e-Jan. As a foreign employee, those self-expressing opportunities not only keep me in touch with every other employee at the office, but also help me navigate my new daily life in Japan more easily.
Thank you for reading.