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リモートワークの徹底と人材のグローバル化 ~多様性実現へ向けた、ある会社の挑戦~(代表取締役インタビュー)
東京都主催Tokyo Future Work Awardにおいて「優秀賞」を受賞しました!
e-Jan! の社内制度紹介シリーズ 第二弾「短時間勤務」
e-Jan! の社内制度紹介シリーズ 第一弾「フレックスタイム制」
Impressions: Information Security EXPO 2017

This year the event ran from 10 May, Wednesday until 12 May, Friday at Tokyo Big Sight.
‘M.’ (Taiwan, moved to Japan in Fall 2016):
‘To join expo and to distribute fliers this time are both a fresh and exciting experience for me. I have visited similar expos a few times, but this is the first time I joined as a part of company. Although it was tiring and frustrating sometimes, I still felt happy to introduce more people to e-Jan’s product, CACHATTO.’
'M.A.' (Azerbaijan, moved to Japan in 2017):
‘It was great seeing people from all over the world at Expo like Korea, India, America. I think every company should have documents in multiple languages.’
‘E.’ (China, moved to Japan in 2014, started working in April 2017):
‘J.’ (Taiwan, moved to Japan in June 2016)