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リモートワークの徹底と人材のグローバル化 ~多様性実現へ向けた、ある会社の挑戦~(代表取締役インタビュー)
東京都主催Tokyo Future Work Awardにおいて「優秀賞」を受賞しました!
e-Jan! の社内制度紹介シリーズ 第二弾「短時間勤務」
e-Jan! の社内制度紹介シリーズ 第一弾「フレックスタイム制」
Trip in Chennai, India: Business feel

About a month ago, I was invited to visit India, and go on numerous client visits together with our colleagues in India. This would be an opportunity for me to see firsthand the Indian market culture and how it runs. I was quite excited but wasn’t exactly sure on what to expect.
It was my first time to step foot onto Indian soil. The experience was extraordinary. When I arrived, I was automatically greeted with a warm welcome. People were so welcoming and hospitable. But when it comes to business, they were very professional; frank and straight-forward. I would describe each business conversation as direct and precise. It felt that the tempo of the conversation was a little different from Japan, which I think was astonishing.

I learned a lot from that trip and would hope to use thg things I learnt to better improve the relationships, not just with my colleagues, but our clientele in India.
I would be sharing a few ‘personal’ experiences (mostly about the sights and sounds of Chennai) I had in my trip in my next post. Hope you’ll look forward to that.
-J.C. (Phillipines)