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In search for a new domicile: getting an apartment

Moving to a new area is a thrilling adventure and at the same time an intimidating change, especially here in Japan. Thinking about the location, transportation, budget, etc. is stressful on so many levels, but beyond the stress of logistics, the start of something new brings with it conflicting feelings of eagerness and anxiety. Whirlwind of decision-making can be an emotional rollercoaster, but extremely exciting.
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Tori-no-Ichi festival

In November, e-Jan employees visited Hanazono Shrine for the Tori-no-Ichi festival. Over the years, this has become an e-Jan tradition to give thanks to wish for prosperity in the coming year.
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e-Jan Networks entrance board

When visitors enter the e-Jan Networks headquarters in Japan, visitors are greeted by an entrance board with a chalk art illustration. The chalk art is drawn by artists within the company, and is changed monthly.

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Essential steps for moving in

So you have put down that deposit, paid your upfront rents and are all excited about moving into your new place. Yay! Phew! One of life’s greatest challenges accomplished; you’ve moved to a new country, found a job and settled down.
You thought all the hurdles were now behind you, since you finally have your own place. However, there are some “small things” that Japanese do when moving to a new place that might stumble or annoy new foreigners here.
This short write up attempts to save you the embarrassing moments and awkward situations, and to help foster a good neighbourhood relationship with your neighbours.

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Are liberal arts useless in the IT industry?

I hope no one is offended by the click-baiting title, but isn’t it what people usually ask from the bottom of their heart? Many programmers are from Taiwan at e-Jan, and one of them told me that one must have a science degree in order to become a developer in Taiwan. During the job interview for a position of developer, the interviewer expressed concern because I studied economics (which is a liberal art) in university.
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English Night Out

Previously, this blog featured a post on e-Jan’s Chinese Night.
This time, our guest writer J.O., an English teacher at e-Jan, has contributed the following post for this week!
(Edits have been made for clarity.)
- N.M.
One of the many positive things about working here is that there are often some popular events after work which are scheduled to promote multi-cultural interaction as well as give employees a chance to practice social communication.
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Self-expression at e-Jan Networks

In my opinion, having opportunities to express yourself at your company is really important especially when it comes to international companies. At e-Jan Networks, we have some interesting ways to express ourselves. So, I would like to introduce some of those self-expressing opportunities at e-Jan Networks.
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Summer holidays at e-Jan Networks

September usually marks the beginning of fall, but here in Tokyo warm, summery days linger into the latter half of the month. This year’s summer seems particularly long, not only reflective in the temperature but also in e-Jan’s summer holiday system.

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Learning a third language through a second language

Following the trend of last two posts about speaking English/Japanese more proactively in the workplace, I would like to offer a third perspective on learning a foreign language, specifically on learning a language that is not emphasised as much as English/Japanese.

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Strengthening office relations through language

As a foreigner, living in Japan has its difficulties and challenges: notably, working for a local company. Understanding the lifestyle, customs, and culture, including learning the local language, (which comes above all else) are just a few things to keep in mind in trying to fit in.
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e-Jan Vegetable Market

Recently, e-Jan Network’s Tokyo office started an ‘e-Jan Vegetable Market.

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