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e-Jan! の社内制度紹介シリーズ 第二弾「短時間勤務」
e-Jan! の社内制度紹介シリーズ 第一弾「フレックスタイム制」
e-Jan! Work Style Blog について / About e-Jan! Work Style Blog
2020年にテレワークを中心とした働き方、そして現在は一人ひとりに合った柔軟な働き方を「e-Jan! Work Style」と定め※、その取り組みは更に加速しています。
2016年11月にスタートした本ブログでは、弊社の「 働き方への取り組み 」を皆さんに知っていただきたく、e-Janネットワークスの従業員より発信しております。
・「e-Jan! Work Style Blog」は、e-Janネットワークス(https://www.e-jan.co.jp/)が運営しています。
e-Janネットワークス、在宅勤務を中心とした「e-Jan! Work Style」をスタート~社員がより柔軟に働き方を選べるスタイルへ
Since the release of CACHATTO (formerly known as CACHATTO Server) in 2002, e-Jan Networks has been exploring “new ways of working” using its proprietary products. In 2020, the company established a work style centered around teleworking and is currently accelerating efforts to provide flexible work arrangements tailored to each individual, known as “e-Jan! Work Style”.
Furthermore, e-Jan Networks places significant emphasis on diversity, including a substantial number of foreign employees. The company strives to create a work environment where mutual respect and enjoyment take precedence. To achieve this, e-Jan Networks actively implements various initiatives, such as adopting innovative work styles, organizing unique internal events, and refining internal rules.
This company’s blog, which began in November 2016, aims to inform readers about its ongoing efforts related to work style.
*"e-Jan! Work Style Blog" is operated by e-Jan Networks (https://www.e-jan.co.jp/).
*All articles are organized, written, and edited by e-Jan Networks employees.
2016年11月にスタートした本ブログでは、弊社の「 働き方への取り組み 」を皆さんに知っていただきたく、e-Janネットワークスの従業員より発信しております。
・「e-Jan! Work Style Blog」は、e-Janネットワークス(https://www.e-jan.co.jp/)が運営しています。
e-Janネットワークス、在宅勤務を中心とした「e-Jan! Work Style」をスタート~社員がより柔軟に働き方を選べるスタイルへ
Since the release of CACHATTO (formerly known as CACHATTO Server) in 2002, e-Jan Networks has been exploring “new ways of working” using its proprietary products. In 2020, the company established a work style centered around teleworking and is currently accelerating efforts to provide flexible work arrangements tailored to each individual, known as “e-Jan! Work Style”.
Furthermore, e-Jan Networks places significant emphasis on diversity, including a substantial number of foreign employees. The company strives to create a work environment where mutual respect and enjoyment take precedence. To achieve this, e-Jan Networks actively implements various initiatives, such as adopting innovative work styles, organizing unique internal events, and refining internal rules.
This company’s blog, which began in November 2016, aims to inform readers about its ongoing efforts related to work style.
*"e-Jan! Work Style Blog" is operated by e-Jan Networks (https://www.e-jan.co.jp/).
*All articles are organized, written, and edited by e-Jan Networks employees.