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Communication is a powerful tool

Communication can be a powerful tool especially when combined with a proactive and positive attitude.

Learning a new language is not just memorizing vocabulary and words; it’s about opening up your mind to a whole new perspective on life.
When you’re open to learning, not only English but, learning anything, you’re more likely to see opportunities arise. Those can be business opportunities, new friendships and even relationships, etc.
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BIG John's BIG Picture

If you're one of those employees thinking, "Man, that bonus isn't enough to make me study English. It's too hard. It's too time consuming. I don't need English. I've lived this long just fine without it." Or something similar to this, to make you want to give up before you start. Then I have the following blog advise for you.
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Trip in Chennai, India: Business feel

About a month ago, I was invited to visit India, and go on numerous client visits together with our colleagues in India. This would be an opportunity for me to see firsthand the Indian market culture and how it runs. I was quite excited but wasn’t exactly sure on what to expect.
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盛宴--为壹匠的青春十八 (e-Jan's 18th anniversary)


It is assumed that in many cultures, anniversary is something needs celebrating in memory of an event, which could range from private occasions to national ones, such as a wedding, or the foundation of a republic, or the Independence Day of a nation. That makes no exception for a company, neither.
On March.6th, 2018, our firm, e-Jan turned 18, and we had an anniversary dinner party at Roppongi on March.9th, Friday in the same week.

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日本での育児と仕事の両立 (Balancing child rearing and work life in Japan)



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稲荷祭 (Inari Festival)




The Inari Festival was held the other day.
The Inari Festival is held every year on the first floor of the office building that e-Jan resides in.
Two Shinto priests from Hie Shrine (a famous shrine next to the prime minister's official residence) for this region’s ushigami-sama(*1) came to perform Shinto rituals.
But you might wonder, why would Shinto priests come to an office for an Inari Festival??

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In search for a new domicile: getting a house

Renting for a place can be tedious and nerve-wrecking, as I mentioned in my previous post. However, once you are equipped with the simple ‘how-to’s, gathered the requirements, and found a reliable real-estate agent, the process runs smoother. In regard to purchasing your own place, it’s more or less the same.

The apartments I’ve stayed at were not too shabby, some were even outstandingly nice. However, I’ve always wanted to have my own house; extra rooms for some mini house-projects, a wide living room, garden and barbecue place, a garage, and such.

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年賀状 (New Year’s cards)


Much like the Western concept of Christmas cards, Japan has a tradition of sending New Year’s cards to close friends/family and others who have taken care of you during the past year.
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成人の日(Coming-of-age Day)

This past Monday, 8 January was Japan’s Coming-of-age Day.
In Japan, adults come of age at 20 years old.
‘Coming-of-age Day’ celebrates everyone who comes of age during the year*.
(*The year is in line with Japan’s school year, which begins April of the year before the Coming-of-age Day and ends the following March.)

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In search for a new domicile: getting an apartment

Moving to a new area is a thrilling adventure and at the same time an intimidating change, especially here in Japan. Thinking about the location, transportation, budget, etc. is stressful on so many levels, but beyond the stress of logistics, the start of something new brings with it conflicting feelings of eagerness and anxiety. Whirlwind of decision-making can be an emotional rollercoaster, but extremely exciting.
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Essential steps for moving in

So you have put down that deposit, paid your upfront rents and are all excited about moving into your new place. Yay! Phew! One of life’s greatest challenges accomplished; you’ve moved to a new country, found a job and settled down.
You thought all the hurdles were now behind you, since you finally have your own place. However, there are some “small things” that Japanese do when moving to a new place that might stumble or annoy new foreigners here.
This short write up attempts to save you the embarrassing moments and awkward situations, and to help foster a good neighbourhood relationship with your neighbours.

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