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Self-expression at e-Jan Networks

In my opinion, having opportunities to express yourself at your company is really important especially when it comes to international companies. At e-Jan Networks, we have some interesting ways to express ourselves. So, I would like to introduce some of those self-expressing opportunities at e-Jan Networks.
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Summer holidays at e-Jan Networks

September usually marks the beginning of fall, but here in Tokyo warm, summery days linger into the latter half of the month. This year’s summer seems particularly long, not only reflective in the temperature but also in e-Jan’s summer holiday system.

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吃了吗? in Office

今回の「Working Japan Blog」では、一緒に働いている中華系スタッフに声を掛ける際に使える「簡単な中国語」をご紹介します。
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Learning a third language through a second language

Following the trend of last two posts about speaking English/Japanese more proactively in the workplace, I would like to offer a third perspective on learning a foreign language, specifically on learning a language that is not emphasised as much as English/Japanese.

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Strengthening office relations through language

As a foreigner, living in Japan has its difficulties and challenges: notably, working for a local company. Understanding the lifestyle, customs, and culture, including learning the local language, (which comes above all else) are just a few things to keep in mind in trying to fit in.
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このWorking Japanブログで初めての日本語投稿になります。


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What is 'Cool Biz'?

As the weather gets warmer, a buzzword that crops up in the professional sector of Japan is ‘Cool Biz’.
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Impressions: Information Security EXPO 2017

Every year, e-Jan Networks presents a booth at Japan’s largest event for information security, Japan IT Week’s Information Security Expo.
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入职三周后的一些小“抱怨” (Before and after: working in a Japanese company)

[This post is an essay submission by a guest writer in the company, ‘E.']

The author talked about her experience of doing job-hunting in Japan.
It was definitely not easy for a foreign student to getting an job offer here in Japan; it became even harder when she wanted to have a good work-life balance, rather than simply working for survival.
The author also mentioned how she got to know some small and middle scaled IT enterprises in Japan, and talked about her feelings on her first month working here at e-Jan, and about the culture shock that she received before and after joining a Japanese company.
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Training courses, workshops, and on-the-job training

April is the beginning of the new work year, and therefore a time when many young people enter the workforce. In Japan, many medium to large companies hire college graduates from many different majors and fields of study, and most new employees within the company receive the same basic training. Japan is a country with many social traditions, and since these skills are no longer common knowledge to many young people, these new employees typically undergo training to learn basic social and/or business skills.

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Impressions of Japanese working hours

Today's post comes from guest writer 'M.A.', a new employee, on his impressions of Japanese working hours and the stereotypes surrounding them.
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